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The evaluator module allows us to assess the performance of the retriever and LLM used by the Navigation Engine in order to generate an action based on a natural language instruction.

The evaluator allows users to assess the performance of different open and closed-source LLMs and retrievers with different parameters.

What we evaluate?


  • recall_retriever: The retriever recall measures the retriever's ability to find all the necessary HTML element(s) from the dataset for the task. It is about ensuring that no relevant item is missed.
  • precision_retriever: The retriever precision measures the retriever's accuracy in retrieving the necessary HTML element(s). It measures how many of the retrieved items are actually relevant to the task.
  • retrieval_time: Time taken to retrieve nodes.


  • LLM recall: LLM recall measures the LLM's ability to identify the correct XPATH of the element needed to perform the action.
  • LLM precision: The LLM precision measures the accuracy of the LLM in targeting the correct HTML element.
  • code_generation_time: Time taken to generate action.

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Getting started with the evaluator

Evaluating retrievers

Getting set-up

First of all, we'll need to import and initialize a RetrieverEvaluator object.

from lavague.core.evaluator import RetrieverEvaluator

retriever_evaluator = RetrieverEvaluator()

Next, we will download the dataset we will use for this example from a 250 testing dataset that we provide through our BigAction initiative. The dataset contains a natural language query (or instruction) alongside the correct node to be retrieved and XPATH for the LLM to target in order to successfully achieve the instruction. We will reduce this to a 5-row version the dataset for the sake of this example, but you can change the value of nr to select more or less rows.

import pandas as pd

raw_dataset = pd.read_parquet("hf://datasets/BigAction/the-meta-wave-raw/data/train-00000-of-00001.parquet")

# Select the first 5 rows
nr = 5 
small_df = raw_dataset.head(nr)

Running the evaluator

In this section, we will will use the Evaluator to compare our default OpsmSplitRetriever against our legacy BM25HTMLRetriever.

We will use the evaluate method, passing it the retriever we wish to evaluate, along with our Panda's DataFrame and the file name we wish to give to the CSV file which will be output by the method.

This method will return a new DataFrame which is made up of the original dataset, plus the following columns:

Column Description recall_retriever Retriever's recall. precision_retriever Retriever's precision. retrieval_time Time taken for retrieval. source_nodes Source nodes retrieved. html_id HTML page with unique IDs added to tags required for the retrieval pipeline.

Embedding model

The retrievers will use our default OpenAI's text-embedding-3-large embedding model. You will therefore need to have an OPENAI_API_KEY set in your current environment.

If you wish to change the embedding model, you can pass any LlamaIndex-compatible embedding model to our Retriever's embedding parameter.

from lavague.core.retrievers import OpsmSplitRetriever, BM25HtmlRetriever
from lavague.drivers.selenium import SeleniumDriver

driver = SeleniumDriver()

retrieved_data_opsm = retriever_evaluator.evaluate(
    OpsmSplitRetriever(driver), small_df, "retrieved_data_opsm.csv"
retrieved_data_bm25 = retriever_evaluator.evaluate(
    BM25HtmlRetriever(), small_df, "retrieved_data_bm25.csv"
Retriever optional parameters

It can be interesting to use the evaluator to assess the performance impact of different optional parameters to the retriever.

Retrievers have the following optional arguments:

Parameter Description Default
driver The web driver to be used by the Retriever to get source code. This is a mandatory argument. N/A
embedding The embedding model to be used. OpenAI's text-embedding-3-large
top_k The top X number of nodes to be retrieved. 5
group_by Defines the size of chunks when grouping the HTML elements' attributes into manageable sets for processing. 10
rank_fields Specifies the fields (attributes) of HTML elements that will be considered for ranking relevance when retrieving the most relevant elements based on a query. ["element", "placeholder", "text", "name"]

Viewing results

First of all, let's see how we can print out the average precision and recall values of our retrievers by accessing the precision_retriever and recall_retriever columns of our resulting datasets.

print(f' Opsm: average precision: {retrieved_data_opsm["precision_retriever"].mean(axis=0)}')
print(f' Opsm: average recall: {retrieved_data_opsm["recall_retriever"].mean(axis=0)}')
print(f' BM2: average precision: {retrieved_data_bm25["precision_retriever"].mean(axis=0)}')
print(f' BM25: average recall: {retrieved_data_bm25["recall_retriever"].mean(axis=0)}')

results 1

Next, we can then use the compare method to visualize the precision, recall and time taken for each retriever.

You can use this method with as many results DataFrames as you like by passing them as a dictionary with the label of your choice for each key and the relevant results DataFrame as the value.

The compare method returns a matplotlib.pyplot.

You can create many different visualizations using this object. See the official documentation for more details.

# with as many df as you want
plot =
    {"opsm": retrieved_data_opsm, "bm25": retrieved_data_bm25}

# pass arguments with matplotlib


We can see from these results that our default `OpsmSplitRetriever outperforms the legacy BM25 retriever on recall and precision.

Remember, there are only 5 rows in our dataset. We can expect to see a recall and retrieval value above 0 for the BM25 retriever with a bigger dataset!

Evaluating LLMs

Let's now take a look at how we can evaluate the performance of an LLM to be used by the Navigation Engine in our AI pipeline.

For this example, we will compare the performance of OpenAI's gpt-4o against Gemini's gemini-1.5-flash-latest.

In order to run this example, you will need both an OPENAI_API_KEY and GOOGLE_API_KEY set in your working environment.

Please bear in mind that running the evaluator on large datasets with paying LLMs could be costly.

Getting set-up

First of all, we'll need to create an instance of LLMEvaluator and create two Navigation Engines: one using our default OpenaiContext and one using our default GeminiContext. These contexts will set the LLMs of each engine to the models mentioned above.

from lavague.core.evaluator import LLMEvaluator
from lavague.contexts.openai import OpenaiContext
from lavague.contexts.gemini import GeminiContext
from lavague.core.navigation import NavigationEngine
import os
from lavague.drivers.selenium import SeleniumDriver

llm_evaluator = LLMEvaluator()
openai_engine = NavigationEngine.from_context(OpenaiContext(), SeleniumDriver())
gemini_engine = NavigationEngine.from_context(GeminiContext(), SeleniumDriver())

Running the evaluator

Now we can evaluate the LLMs by calling the LLMEvaluator.evaluate method with the following arguments:

  • The Navigation Engine we wish to evaluate
  • The DataFrame previously generated by the RetrieverEvaluator.evaluate method. This is required to be able to run the LLMEvaluator.
  • The file path where we wish the results of the evaluation to be stored as a CSV file.
openai_results = llm_evaluator.evaluate(openai_engine, retrieved_data_opsm, "openai_results.csv")
gemini_results = llm_evaluator.evaluate(gemini_engine, retrieved_data_opsm, "gemini_results.csv")

The method returns a DataFrame made up of the retrieved_data_opsm dataframe, with the following appended columns:

Revised Definitions:

Column Definition
recall_llm The recall measurement for the LLM.
precision_llm The precision measurement for the LLM.
execution_error The error encountered during the execution of the generated code, if any.
target_outer_html The HTML content of the target element identified by the generated code.
generated_code The code generated by the navigation engine in response to the query.
retry The number of attempts taken to successfully execute the generated code.
code_generation_time The time taken by the navigation engine to generate the code.

Visualizing results

Similarly to the RetrieverEvaluator, we can either access results directly or use the compare method to generate a matplotlib.pyplot object comparing the recall, precision and time taken by the two LLMs.

plot =
        "openai": openai_results,
        "gemini": gemini_results,


In this case, we see identical performance from the two LLMs, but we would see more variation when testing with a bigger dataset.

Next steps

Please feel free to evaluate LaVague with different open or closed-source LLMs, options or retrievers. You can share your findings with us on Discord!